All prices in USD
Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the character. Send references for a proper estimate.

Half body: $25 ($35 w/ colour)
Full body: $40 ($50 w/ colour)

Half body: $75 per character
Full body: $90 per character


$45 per character
$60 for a pair


Starting at $120 per page

Starting at $200 per page

Send references & script for a proper estimate.

—TERMS OF SERVICE —By commissioning me you agree to my terms of service (which are subject to update and change; although you will be notified if this concerns your commission).• I reserve the right to decline a commission and I am not obligated to provide a reason why.• I will update the client once at the sketching stage to see if any major changes are needed. Unless requested otherwise, I will not continually update the client until later stages.• I post commissioned work on my accounts as part of my online portfolio. Private commissions may cost extra.• Projects restricted by deadlines may cost more depending on the time remaining.• Major edits to the commissioned work are only to be done with my explicit permission.• Work is not to be used for NFT-related ventures or training AI algorithms.— PROCESS —• The client will send a description of their requested commission alongside any supporting visual or written reference material.• I will respond with either further questions or a thumbnail sketch. This process will mostly involve deliberating with the commissioner about the specifics until satisfied with the quality of the product.• I will send an invoice for payment via Paypal. Partial payment is to be negotiated at this stage. Payment should be sent promptly to resume commission progress.• I will send you the initial sketch, where you may request corrections and adjustments before progress is resumed.• I will send you periodic updates of the status of the commission at certain stages (e.g. sketch, flats).• Estimated arrival of 2-4 weeks from onset of payment.• I will send you a final draft to determine if any last changes will be made. Completion and posting will then occur.— PAYMENT —• I accept payment in USD through Paypal or KoFi. I do not accept online currency.• I will send an invoice to an email of your choice.• Partial payment is allowed. Upon notification, I will negotiate a deadline for the rest of the payment.• I will not change base prices for commissions. Attempting to haggle or change prices may result in refusal of commission.• An increased complexity / detail may result in a higher cost if the commission is likely to take a longer duration. I will notify you of extra costs as early as possible.• As iterated above: Projects restricted by deadlines may cost more depending on the time remaining.• Commissions must be approved before payment is sent through.— REFUNDS —Full refunds are only given if the sketching stage has not been completed. If work has progressed to or beyond the sketching phase, I can negotiate partial refunds if given a reason.— CHANGES —• I will make minor changes as negotiated by the client.• I will make three major changes before extra charge.• Mistakes on my own part will be corrected free of charge, and do not count towards the changes mentioned above.— USAGE —I retain the rights to the product I have produced.
Payment is for creation, not for the transfer of rights. You are not to profit off my commissioned work unless discussed prior. For-profit commissions will retain an extra cost, but unlike previous statements, these can be negotiated. I will post the commissions to websites I use to host my art.
Commissioners may post works to other websites provided credit is given.

AVAILABLE FOR COLOURIST WORK for your comic or webtoon!

I provide simple flats, or full colour rendering depending on your preference/budget.
With a decade of experience in colouring comics and an education in Graphic Design I'm well versed in colour theory and colouring techniques, and a pro at meeting deadlines.
Contact me for an estimate